Custom home on Ojai’s east end
Traditional “Wallace Neff” Spanish style home
Green Building – Built with Rastra Block
With the roof, stucco and driveway complete, only the finish landscape is missing!
Stucco Brown Coat
Roof tile detail
Window detail – custom tile sill with deep set aluminum clad window
Plaster walls
Porch roof – exposed framing
Groin vault in entry – note Techsheild radiant plywood
and planter cut outs in wall.
Roof framing over Rastra block
Rastra Block topped out and framing commences!
Window rough
Rastra block installation
South side – front entry on the left
Garage slab ready
Raising level of courtyard
With the floor system in – we move up another 4 blocks and prepare to cut out windows and doors. After these blocks are
grouted – only one more lift to the roof.
Walls above the floor framing
Rastra Technician with the “Rastra Lift o Matic 5000”
Front entry
Floor joists and plumbing goes in.
Attaching the floor ledger and getting ready for wood.
Looking from garage towards living room – Rastra walls
Looking from bedrooms – Rastra walls
Looking from living room towards garage – Rastra walls
Rastra block arrives – a concrete/post consumer waste styrofoam block
that will provide 12″ thick highly insulated, fireproof, rot proof walls!
Setting the footings
Filling it back up!
Re compaction of the new soil for a solid base.
Importing fill
Excavators, 10 wheelers, water trucks, loaders, bob tails !
Digging out all the rocks!
Dueling excavators
Big rocks !
This is the property before grading!